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Subotica Tech - College of Applied Sciences

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Erasmus grant for students – Open call

Application open for Erasmus mobility for the spring semester of 2024/25
Details: full semester at Neumann János University, Kecskemét, Hungary
Student mobility: 1
Period: spring semester 2024/25
Grant: 540 EUR / month + 50 EUR for green travel (bus or train)
Study language: English or Hungarian
Primary study profile: Mechanical engineering, Mechatronics, Engineering management

Deadline: October 29, 2024 via email with full documentation

Application information:
More information and send the application to:

Erasmus grant for teaching staff – Open call

Application open for Erasmus grants for the summer semester of 2023/24.

KA131 teacher mobility to Austria: 1
Period: 5 days +2 travel day
Scholarship: 160 EUR/day + travel costs
Teaching requirements: 8 lectures in English language.
Please note: advantage to staff members with no previous Erasmus-experience.
Deadline: Feb. 28, 2024 via email,
More information and send the application to: also submit documents in International office

Selection results

We have a winner: based on the quality of the submitted applications, the committee selected Rózsa Barbara for the Erasmus mobility to John von Neumann University in the spring semester of 2023/2024. Congratulations, Barbara!

Applications were also submitted by Sarnyai Tamás and Fábián Tamás, but were unfortunately incomplete. For information and recommendations on how to improve your application process in the future, please contact Livia Szedmina,

Deadline for official complaint on the ranking: November 20.

Erasmus grant for students – Open call

Application open for Erasmus mobility for the spring semester of 2023/24

Details: full semester at Neumann János University, Kecskemét, Hungary

Student mobility: 1

Period: spring semester 2023/24

Grant: 540 EUR / month + 50 EUR for green travel

Study language: English or Hungarian

Primary study profile: Mechanical engineering, Mechatronics, Engineering management

Deadline: October 20, 2023 via email with full documentation

Application information:

More information and send the application to:

Erasmus grant for teaching staff – Open call

Application open for Erasmus zero-grant mobility for the summer semester of 2022/23

Details: participation in zero-grant BIP program 2021-1-RO01-KA131-HED-000008080-9 at '1 December 1918' Univerisity, Alba Iulia, Romania.

Teacher mobility: 1

Period: virtual mobility

Scholarship: zero grant

Teaching requirements in English language. Deadline: May 15, 2023 via email

More information and send the application to:

Erasmus Blended Intensive Program zero grant for students – Open call

TOPIC: 7-day engineering course, there will be programming/robotics and some 3D printing, with a physical and virtual part (5 days physical workshops, 2 days virtual)

WHERE: "1 December, 1918" University in Alba Iulia, Romania.

STRUCTURE: Online meeting1 + 5-day live workshop cooperating with other participant students + Online meeting2

WHEN: Online meeting1: Sept. 7, 5-day live meeting: Sept 10-16 (2 travel days) Online meeting2: Sept 21,

GRANT: this is a zero-grant Erasmus mobility, i.e., you will NOT get a scholarship, but have transport, accommodation, food for free during the 7-day live course

OBLIGATIONS: MUST participate in all 3 events, there will be a project, team work, workshop and presentation of results.

RESULT: you will get extra 3 ECTS points recognized, this will be noted in your diploma from VTS

WHO CAN APPLY: engineering students primarily from the study program of Mechatronics or Mechanical Engineering (if not, apply and convince us of your application)

Send full application documentation by May 15, 2023 to or

Application process details:

Erasmus grant for teaching staff – Open call

Application open for Erasmus grants for the summer semester of 2022/23.

Teacher mobility: 1
Period: 5 days +2 travel days
Scholarship: 160 EUR/day + travel costs
Teaching requirements in English language.
Please note: advantage to staff members with no previous Erasmus-experience.
Deadline: May 12, 2023 via email
More information and send the application to:

Erasmus grants for students – Open call

Application open for Erasmus grants for the summer semester of 2022/23. Study, travel and experience engineering studies abroad. More information here.


We invite students to submit their applications for Erasmus grants for the summer semester of 2021/22.

More information here.

Great news!

Subotica Tech College of Applied Sciences was awarded the ERASMUS CHARTER for higher education 2021-2027.



We invite students to submit their applications for Erasmus grants for the academic year 2020/21. With this grant you can study a whole semester at the John von Neumann University in Kecskemét, Hungary. This Erasmus grant will start in the winter semester, though depending on situation caused by the Covid19 virus, the grant may be delayed until the following summer.

We’ve already had several students who spent an Erasmus semester at a university abroad, they took all necessary classes there, pass the exams and then had those exams recognized at Subotica Tech, through an automatic exam recognition system.

Language of education: English or Hungarian.
Application deadline: May 8, 2020
Necessary documentation in English: CV, motivation letter, letter of recommendation
Submit your application to or
Further information: International Office, Livia Szedmina

Erasmus+ ppt


Both students and teachers at the Subotica Tech College of Applied Sciences successfully participate
in the Erasmus+ credit mobility program. This is supported by the fact that three of our students are
currently studying in Hungary within this exchange program. Arnold Kocsis and Károly Bicskei are
Erasmus students at Óbuda University in Budapest, while Endre Ragács is currently studying at John
von Neumann University in Kecskemét. You can find further information about the Erasmus+
program here.

Additionally, our teachers are also active in the Erasmus+ credit mobility program. Dr. Igor Fürstner,
dr. Róbert Pintér, dr. László Gogolák, and dr. Lívia Szedmina, who is the International Relations
Coordinator, held professional lectures within the Erasmus+ credit mobility program. During the
lectures, they all presented the work of Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences and held lectures
about topics of mechatronics, informatics, and professional language use. You can find pictures of
their Erasmus+ credit mobility program here


Óbuda University, Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest, Hungary
Teacher places: 1
Period: 2x5 days +2 extra days
Scholarship: 140 EUR/day
Travel costs: 180 EUR
Requirements: Need to give presentation in English language.
Please note: advantage to staff members with no previous Erasmus-experience.
Deadline: March 10, 2019 via email
Send the application to: or the Erasmus coordinator:

Subotca Tech College of Applied Sciences was awarded the ERASMUS CHARTER for higher education 2014 - 2020
We can now officially participate and initiate ERASMUS+ programs.